I have been rather frustrated lately with my encounters with sculpt shops, texture creaters, and template shops. Just the other day I purchased several sculpts on SL Marketplace that I had intended to use with a new line I am creating for both SL and Inworldz. Upon receiving the box in SL, I was forced to click a TOS box before I could receive the item I purchased. I accepted because I saw no way to get a refund.
Additionally, I have purchased sculpts from others on marketplace that list no restrictions. However, when I open the box in world, I see a card with the TOS in my inventory. When I read it, it states you may not use these sculpts for any grid other than Secondlife. Anyone using these templates in any other grid other than Secondlife risks legal action.
I can go on and on with my encounters of sculpt makers and texture makers who have similar TOS. I try to be polite and always ask if I am not sure what the TOS are before I import to other grids, however I have had people be rude to me more than understanding. Of those who I asked who did not allow me to, only one person was polite and gave an explanation as to why she does not allow her sculpts to go to other grids.
One texture maker told me I could use her textures in other grids if I paid her 5000 USD. Really? They are not even products.
I don't intend to devalue the work of texture, template and sculpt creators. I always offer to buy a license when I inquire about importing. One texture maker told me her preference as to what grids to not take her items to, but was quite honest in saying she really could not police all of the grids so she appreciated me even asking.
So my question is this: Why is there this sudden influx of unrealistic TOS. What harm is it if one is using textures of sculpts in another grid? I understand not wanting your stuff in FP floating throughout the metaverse. But if someone asks you to use your items, they most likely do not intend on using it for malice. It is the people who never ask you need to look out for.
Ok, that is my rant for the day. Have a wonderful one!